Americans tend to have a soft spot for our former presidents. Even the bad ones。
By the time Richard Nixon died in 1994, his presidency was as likely to be lauded for theopening to China or the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency as it was to bedamned for Watergate. Gerald Ford’s pardon of Nixon, furiously condemned at the timeas a dirty political bargain, was later celebrated as an example of selfless statesmanship.Jimmy Carter’s reputational resurrection — not just for the way he conducted his postpresidency, but also for his acts in office — would have astounded the country that senthim packing in 1980 amid stagflation and a hostage crisis.
Will Joe Biden enjoy a similar place in our national memory? It’s possible, and hisadministration had its achievements: NATO enlargement, the bipartisan infrastructurebill, defending Ukraine and Israel, strengthening alliances in the Pacific.
The illusions: first, that the 2021 surge in migration was seasonal (“ happens every single solitary year,” as Biden said that March); second, that the Taliban would not swiftly seize Afghanistan (“the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely,” as he said that July); third, that inflation was transitory (“Our experts believe, and the data shows, that most of the price increases we’ve seen are expected to be temporary,” also that July).
The fourth, and the biggest: that he was the best Democratic candidate to defeat DonaldTrump: “I beat him once, and I will beat him again,” he often insisted, even after thedebate debacle.
That last illusion was pure hubris. But there was an arrogance to the first three, since he was loudly alerted ( including by, well, me) on each point that he was making a fundamental mistake. The White House spent months in 2021 refusing to use the term “crisis” for the border — it was, instead, a “challenge.” Pentagon leaders warned the president that the Afghan government would soon collapse if the United States withdrew.
Those misjudgments doomed the Biden presidency, which never had a positive approvalrating after the Afghan withdrawal. Maybe senior Democrats like Nancy Pelosi couldhave helped their party’s chances if they had had the talk with Joe and Jill Biden abouthis reelection prospects in the spring of 2022 instead of the summer of 2024. It was leftto Dean Phillips, the former Minnesota representative, to play the part of the boy whosays the emperor has no clothes. Someone ought to nominate him for a Profile in CourageAward.
Behind the misjudgments were the deceptions.
Biden ran in 2020 on the implicit but clear pledge that he intended to serve a single term(“If Biden is elected, he’s going to be 82 years old in four years,” one campaign advisertold Politico in 2019, “and he won’t be running for reelection.”) He promised to be abipartisan and moderate figure in the White House: “Unity” was the theme of his。
Of these deceptions, the first was the most forgivable and the most foolish: It’s preciselybecause power is so alluring that the voluntary abdication would have been so admirable.His grudging decision in July not to run came too late to qualify as statesmanship.
The other deceptions: less forgivable. The centrist voters who put Biden in the WhiteHouse saw him as a safe and consoling pair of hands. Instead, he sought to govern as thesecond coming of Lyndon Johnson, with spending proposals amounting to $7.5 trillionnearly twice what we spent to win World War II, adjusted for inflation. And he took todenouncing “MAGA Republicans” as a threat to “the very foundations of our Republic.”
Worst of all were the last two deceptions. Last month, The Wall Street Journal publisheda comprehensive and devastating report on the president’s failing health. The paperreported that a former aide recalled a national security official saying, “He has good daysand bad days, and today was a bad day so we’re going to address this tomorrow” — in thespring of 2021. Perhaps the president didn’t notice his own decline, so the deceptionmight not have been his. But his entire senior staff must have noticed, and, as TheJournal reported, they took advantage of it to enhance their own power. It’s a nationalscandal that deserves a congressional inquiry.
And Hunter? A father’s love is admirable. A president’s lie is not. In one of his last majorpolitical acts in office, Joe Biden forgot who he was. But it seems as if that alreadyhappened years ago. History won’t be kind.